Why buy bitcoin

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Apa Udah Terlambat Beli Bitcoin Sekarang?
Andy Edstrom's "Why Buy Bitcoin" is a thoughtful and measured review of an emerging monetary technology that is changing the world. Andy has a distinct ability. The decentralized system of cryptocurrency makes it faster and cheaper to transfer money. It does not crumble at a single point of failure. The. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are speculative investments, which are assets that people put money into, hoping the price will rise rapidly.
Comment on: Why buy bitcoin
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    calendar_month 08.01.2022
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The offers on this page are from advertisers who pay us. Anyone investing in Bitcoin will hope for the best, but they should be prepared for big downturns , too. Manage subscriptions. If you're thinking about adding crypto to your portfolio, ask yourself what role it can play in getting you to your personal financial goals, he says. Are we off to another crypto bull market, or have bitcoin enthusiasts gotten ahead of themselves?