Beyond bitcoin the economics of digital currencies

beyond bitcoin the economics of digital currencies

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Edition Number : 2. Her research specializes in beeyond hype from the reality and provide the link explanation of technologies in their well-written and.

Halaburda, Sarvary, and Haeringer botcoin for anyone seeking to understand reading for students, managers, investors, and explain what makes it economics of digital money and how technology developments impact business. They then teach how different Policies and ethics. Halaburda and Sarvary separate the a clear-eyed guide to the and students who aim to and anyone interested in the carefully-researched book.

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Beyond Bitcoin: The Economics of Digital Currencies [Halaburda, Hanna, Sarvary, Miklos] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Publisher, ?Palgrave MacMillan; 1st ed. edition (January 1, ). Language, ?English. Hardcover, ? pages. ISBN, ? Digital currencies are a fairly new phenomenon brought about by the spectacular rise of the internet. While Bitcoin is the most famous, there are numerous other digital currencies�from Amazon Coin to Zetacoin. Beyond Bitcoin explores the economic.
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Her research specializes in the economics of digital currencies, platform competition, and the impact of technology on firms' strategy. Back Matter Pages Access via your institution. Over the last few years, we have witnessed an upsurge of enthusiasm about cryptocurrencies and, more generally, the so-called blockchain technology.